Blogging is my virtual release of thoughts, fears, anger, joy and life stuff. You know, that deep stuff that everybody keeps trying to understand or ignore and run away from. I guess bloggers just aren't afraid to share or have a serious ego complex. I blog, you decide.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Have Your Mountains Moved?

So just a quick thought for today. I was listening to a CD today and one of the songs was totally into it. The person was singing her heart out that if she believed she could move mountains she could. She was so excited about it too. It was a total get your body moving praise song. But it dawned on me today. I hear all these songs about the mountains that are going to move, but I hardly ever hear any follow up songs saying that the mountains did move. I mean what the heck is going on here? We sing that these mountains are going to move and get ourselves worked up by the promises of Jesus and then we go out and try to move these mountains and what happens? Why justifies a mountain? Seriously, what are the mountains in your life that Jesus said he can move? Are His mountains your mountains? After the mountain is moved do we even think that they were mountains? Do we even think God even helped? I can see it being dangerous that we don't even give the credit to God, because after a mountain is "moved" we can totally play it back in our head that is was just circumstance and God didn't really play too much of a part it in it.

So going forward I've gotta try and identify my mountains. I don't have a wife any more so they couldn't be those mountains... shoot - gotta think harder. Ok so my mountains must be the things that I feel is impossible for me to change in myself these days. Simply, this just would be me. My mountain is myself. I need to be moved... closer to Jesus. Getting more granular though what do I need moved in me to make me more near Him? Is it my lack of discipline? Do I need 3 things to focus on? Does the 3 things even work? I wrote the other day that if I had less interruptions at work I could really get some work done. Then I went on to say that if life had less interruptions then I could really get life done. However, life may consist of a bunch of interruptions compiled together. So, maybe I need to have the things I focus on, but allow the interruptions that matter. More on this later. My mountain that needs to move is my inability to "stick" to something. I need to stick to God. I need to not allow any more interruptions come into my life. That's my mountain. Now. God. Will you move it?


Blogger Kristenanne said...

has your blog been updated today?
The answer...NO.
way too long to go with out posting. I know you have something wonderful and original to say in there...come on...let it out.

1/25/2006 7:46 PM


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