Blogging is my virtual release of thoughts, fears, anger, joy and life stuff. You know, that deep stuff that everybody keeps trying to understand or ignore and run away from. I guess bloggers just aren't afraid to share or have a serious ego complex. I blog, you decide.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Night Crawler Heart...

So I was at work on Friday and felt like my heart was going to pump out of my body and do a jig on the table. I felt that way, Friday, since 7am. Around 11am I went down to the nurses station. Yes, at Motorola we have nurses on staff. Nice huh? Anyway, I had the nurse take a look at my heart and/or pulse. She wasn't able to get a good reading through my wrist so she took it with the stethoscope. It was at a whopping 136 bbm! Can you believe it people! Anyway, she felt it necessary to call the ambulance. So she called and a bunch of dudes showed up. They ran an I.V. line and gave me some medicine that starts with a 'C' to slow down my heart. They hooked this monitor up too and said I was in A. Fib. A fib? What the heck is that? Anyway, it sounded semi-serious so they got everything ready and I got on the stretcher. It was around lunchtime and the nurses station is right around the cafe so they wheeled me out and I had a bunch of people that had to stop and watch me get wheeled out. It was embarrassing. I saw some people that I knew. It was weird. I felt embarrassed, I think, because here I am a 29 year old guy having a heart issue.

Anyway, they took me to the hospital. I came out of A. Fib a couple hours after being there. Whew. A. Fib is an interesting thing to be in. A little scary and a little funny. Funny in the "could this lead to other serious types of things" sense. The hospitalaticians wanted to observe me overnight so I stayed.

So I had a heart specialist visit me to explain what was going on with me. He said that when you are in A. Fib the heart is not beating right. If you were to look at your valve it would look like a a night crawler wiggling around. Maybe my next tattoo should be a night crawler on my heart? Hmm... things to ponder.
Well I made it through the night. I had some ultra sound done on my heart and got to see my valves dance. They really do look like they are dancing. It's pretty cool and nervous to see, because it's something that you don't want to see stop. It seems fragile to me.
So I was released on Saturday. No drugs or anything to take. I just have to go back to my doc in a couple weeks to have him interpret the EKG results. We will see.

More to come. Signing off now. Oh, I was thinking I should have a part at my house and have a big fire in the backyard. I was thinking I could call it the "I'm not dead yet" or "It's still ticking" party?

We'll see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10/16/2005 9:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10/16/2005 9:42 PM


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