Blogging is my virtual release of thoughts, fears, anger, joy and life stuff. You know, that deep stuff that everybody keeps trying to understand or ignore and run away from. I guess bloggers just aren't afraid to share or have a serious ego complex. I blog, you decide.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Cheating on God

I was thinking tonight about relationships. I was thinking about my marriage or so called previous marriage. It's almost finalized...The divorce that is.

Anyway when two people are married it's considered a "big thing" to cheat on the other person. I would defined cheating by one person physically or emotionally bonding with another person so much so that the bond prevails over the marriage bond or creates a double-bond. And it got me thinking. While in my marriage I considered it not an alternative to cheat on my wife. It was ruled out. Tonight I asked myself if my wife had come to me and said "Hey, just so you know if you cheat on me physically with another woman I'll still be your wife. I'll still stay married to you, love you deeply, pursue you as my lover and give all of me to you. You will still have ownership of my body. When I think of you I will only have thoughts of love and deep passion running through me. You, no matter what, will always be the apple of my eye." So, for a moment I pondered this question. If my wife had said this to me would it have enabled me or made me think it easier to cheat on her? Would it have geared me take an opportunity if it arose? And the answer came like a lightning bolt - God No I said! If my wife had come to me and said this it would've made me not want to cheat on her even more! She would've drawn a picture of the grace she had for me even before I did anything wrong! It made me desire her more.
So then I thought, man, God says the same thing to us. He says that we will always be the apple of His eye no matter what other thing we cheat on Him with. And we do cheat. So how come I don't feel that same desire for God that I would for my wife? And I think it's because I don't this way enough. I don't think in this context. I should though. Each day I should hear Jesus saying "Justin, whatever you do for today do it for others. Go out and live free, and an example of your freedom will be your love. You won't be bound by the selfish desires that run rampant in this society, but if you do, if your selfish nature kicks up and you choose something else over me, come back. I will be waiting for you. My grace is sufficient for you.
And in this way of thinking. I never want to let Jesus down. Two natures warring together. Little by little we let one get bigger and the other smaller. Just like the cheat or affair is built up over time with innocent nuances so is the mending we are doing with God. Which one am I feeding; Which one are you feeding?


Blogger Kristenanne said...

don't let yourself be fooled into thinking that your words are silly or trite or not written well. I was given some of the best words ever by a old creative writing teacher. He said, don't worry, just write. You can always edit later. SO keep writing without worry, and you'll be amazed to see what comes out! Love what you have to say... a "should" conversation is in the future! I'll explain later

9/25/2005 3:07 AM


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