Blogging is my virtual release of thoughts, fears, anger, joy and life stuff. You know, that deep stuff that everybody keeps trying to understand or ignore and run away from. I guess bloggers just aren't afraid to share or have a serious ego complex. I blog, you decide.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The Pain of Waffles...

Today I noticed Cam's hands were getting seriously red and chaffed when I picked him up from school. After his bath tonight I wanted to lotion him down really good before he went to bed.

We had the most hilarious conversation. Read for yourself.

Me: "Look at your hands. That's some seriously dried skin. What does it look like to you?"
Cam: "Boo-Boo..."

Me: "Yeah, it does look like a boo-boo. Does it hurt?"
Cam: "Yeah"

Me: "What does it feel like?"
Cam: "Waffles."

Me: "Waffles?!?"
Cam: "Yeah..." [giggles]

Lotion to the Rescue:



Blogger graceling said...

Poor Cam:(

Abigail's hands used to get so dry and chapped that they would bleed... mine are really bad this winter and on top of the frequent handwashing/alcohol rubbing/dry and cold winter weather, I am allergic to something at the hospital and it makes my hands even worse!

Eucerin seems to work- it's the only one that is actually proven to work, and it's what we use here at the hospital.

Man, Cam looks just like you:)

2/03/2007 4:37 AM


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